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Khurasan Miniatures

Khurasan Miniatures' 1970's pulp range contains one or two figures that, with a little retro-fitting, could be used in a VBCW setting.

Killer B Games

A few useful figures can be found in Killer B Games' 'Geezers' range of 1970's cops an robbers, including a mechanic figure for when your interwar tank breaks down.

Lead Adventure

This spin-off company from the well known Lead Adventure Forum produces some interesting post-apocalyptic figures in their "The Last Project" range, as well as a few special miniatures based on some famous LAF contributors - some of which would look great on a VBCW table. Check out the Prof.Witchheimer, Grimm the Fisherman and Plynkes the cricketer in the specials.

Lead-Adventure's formidable Cook from their post-apoc witches set is perfect for a disgruntled battleaxe, while their Contaminated Seas set contains some very useful fishermen for your coastal forces. Lead-Adventure also sell Ratnik's steam-punk range (see separate entry).

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